

Festival Site:

Harvest Home Park
3961 North Bend Rd
Cheviot, OH 45211

Office Address:

2848 Fischer Place
Cincinnati, OH 45211


(513) 661-0651



CincItalia is produced by members of St. Catharine of Siena Catholic Church and School in partnership with the United Italian Society, La Societa Fuscaldese Femminile, and San Antonio Catholic Church. The event has evolved from the annual parish festival in the school parking lot to an Italian cultural festival with broad appeal.

Proceeds from the festival benefit St. Catharine of Siena Church, especially our K-8 school in the Westwood neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio. Portions of the proceeds also benefit the small, historic community of San Antonio Church in South Fairmount and the scholarship funds of the Italian societies. Sincere thanks to the many supporters and volunteers who make CincItalia possible – and to all who come and enjoy!